The Time Has Come!
The first-ever Uke Heads Gathering will take place this October in historic Santa Fe, New Mexico!
After so many months of virtual rehearsals, Slack channels and individual recordings, it's time for us to be together in one place, to get to know one another, to enjoy good food and drink, to celebrate our successes and, most importantly, to make music as a band.
We are very fortunate to have Heidi Swedberg (UH-970) and Daniel Ward (UH-971) in our ranks. They have kindly offered their beautiful home as a venue for our gathering. It is large enough that we'll be able to jam, rehearse eat and hang out there during the day (as much as we'd love to do a Uke Heads slumber party, you will be responsible for booking your own overnight accommodations in nearby Santa Fe).
(Subject to change)
Friday, October 27, 2023
7pm Welcome reception and jam at the mansion. (Get your Uke Heads album signed and swap stickers!)*
8pm Jam session!*
Saturday, October 28, 2023
The day begins with a self-directed breakfast, then travel to Heidi and Dan's.
9:30am Band practice #1
10:30am Coffee Break
11am Band practice #2
12pm Lunch (provided on-site)*
1:30pm Group activity (Options include a listening party in Dan's studio, local hike or pickleball! If bad weather, we have fun indoor options as well!)*
4pm Band practice #3 (Review session)
5pm Free time
6pm Dinner (provided on-site)*
8pm Jam session*
Sunday, October 29, 2023
The day begins with a self-directed breakfast, then travel to Heidi and Dan's.
9:30am Band practice #4
10:30am Coffee Break
11am Band practice #5
12pm Lunch (provided on-site)*
1:30pm Uketropolis Podcast taping: Uke Heads Special!*
3pm: Break
4pm Band practice #6 (Review session)
5pm Free time
6pm Dinner (prix fixe off-site)*
8pm Jam session and/or possible local performance*
Monday, October 30, 2023
9am Farewell Brunch (optional)*
10:30am Farewell!
* Included in Partner Pass

Our rehearsal space. Not bad. 😄

The view. Seriously.

Jam session, anyone?
Cost: TBA
As you know, the cost of all goods and services has gone up dramatically in recent months. We are doing our best to make the Gathering affordable and will announce pricing ASAP.
Santa Fe, NM 87501
Use this postal code for planning purposes. The exact address will be shared with you when you book.
Option 1: Fly into Albuquerque Int'l (ABQ), take the train to Santa Fe.
Option 2: Fly into Santa Fe regional airport (SAF).
Due to space constraints, registration for the Uke Heads Gathering will be limited to 30 people. Furthermore, we recognize that not everyone will be able to attend even if the venue was massive. We're a global band, after all! There's no perfect location for in-person gatherings. The best (and most fun) solution is to have more Uke Heads Gatherings in the future in different locations!